Recette: Parfait Gougères

Une collection de recettes de cuisine pratiques.

Gougères. It might be fun to make extra with your club, so you can all take some home. After baking, allow them to cool completely. When you return home, spread the gougères out on a.

Gougères Gougères are said to come from Burgundy, particularly the town of Tonnerre in the Yonne department. Remove from heat, add flour, and stir to combine. Oh so French, gougères are savory cheese puffs made from pâte à choux, or cream-puff dough, with a generous amount of cheese folded in. Vous pouvez cuisiner Gougères utilisant 5 ingr�dients et 5 �tapes. Voici comment vous cuisiner que.

Ingr�dients de Gougères

  1. C�est 3 de oeufs moyens ou 2 gros.
  2. Pr�parer de poivre et muscade.
  3. C�est 150 g de gruyere.
  4. C�est 1 de jaune d'oeuf pour dorer.
  5. Pr�parer de pour la pâte a choux : 1/4 de litre d'eau, 100 g de beurre, 150 g de farine et une cuillère a café rase de sel.

Slightly warm with a crisp shell and a cheesy, pillowy interior, they are the perfect little bite to pop in your mouth between sips of sparkling wine or cocktails. This packed-with-flavor version comes from one of my favorite new cookbooks of the season. Gougères are good straight from the oven and at room temperature. I like them both ways, but I think you can appreciate them best when they're still warm.

Gougères instructions

  1. Préparer la pâte a choux comme pour un dessert mais sans sucre.
  2. Poivrez et muscadez legerement. incorporez les oeufs un a un puis le fromage coupés en lamelles.
  3. Faire des petits tas a l'aide d'une cuillère(ou d'une poche a douille pour des tas plus réguliers) sur une plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé.Badigeonner les avec un œuf battu. Mettre au four thermostat 5 puis augmenter progressivement jusqu’à 200 °c.
  4. Quand les gougères sont bien soufflées et dorées (env 25 min) arrêter le four et entrouvrir la porte. attendre 5 min avant de les sortir.
  5. Bon app !.

Serve with kir, white wine, or Champagne. As I was brainstorming recipe ideas for my "French phase" leading up to Bastille Day, I knew one French classic couldn't be left out: Gougeres, or Gougères if typed the French way, and pronounced goo-zhair. These little airy cheese-filled pastry bites make the perfect hors d'oeuvres for a wine tasting party but also, because they are so easy to make, a great and tasty "anytime" snack. Get Gougeres Recipe from Food Network. In a small mixing bowl, add the grated cheese and plenty of freshly cracked black pepper to the half-recipe of pate a choux.