Moyen le plus simple de Cuisinier D�licieux Makroud

Une collection de recettes de cuisine pratiques.

Makroud. Makroud (المقروض), makrout, maqroudh, or maqrouth, is a North African pastry that is popular in Algeria and Tunisia as well as in some cities of Morocco, Libya and Malta. What is the origin of makroud? Some sources say that its origins are from the oases of Mzab and the steppes of Setif in Algeria and others say that its story would be linked to the city of Kairouan.

Makroud Makroudh (Arabic: مقروض ‎) is a traditional sweet pastry in the Maghreb and in Malta. It is filled with dates and nuts or almond paste, that has a diamond shape - the name derives from this characteristic shape. The dough is made with a combination of semolina and flour, which gives the pastry a very specific texture and flavor. Vous pouvez cuisiner Makroud utilisant 6 ingr�dients et 2 �tapes. Voici comment vous atteindre il.

Ingr�dients de Makroud

  1. Vous avez besoin 600 g de semoule de blé dur moyen -.
  2. C�est de 100 g de margarine -.
  3. Pr�parer de 340 g de miel -.
  4. Pr�parer de 500 g de pâte de dattes -.
  5. C�est de 2 cuillères à soupe d’eau de fleur d’oranger -.
  6. C�est de 150 g d’eau.

Makroudh can be fried in oil or oven-baked. The people of Tunisia also know these sweets as baklava. They make this sweet with a little change and use ripe figs instead of dates. They use chopped sesame seeds and figs for the dessert.

Makroud instructions

  1. Mettez la semoule et faites un puit Versez la margarine fondu et mélangez Quand toute la margarine a été incorporée versez l’eau petit à petit ainsi que la fleur d’oranger (Rajoutez de la farine si c’est trop liquide / ajoutez de l’eau mélangée à de la fleur d’oranger si la pâte est sèche).
  2. Etalez la pâte et versez la pâte de datte (placez au micro-onde quelques secondes pour la faire ramollir) Roulez la pâte (comme pour un roulé) Et coupez des morceaux Faites frire les makrouts puis versez les dans le miel.

It is also recommended to use peanuts in this dessert in some recipes. Peanuts are crushed or powdered with dates or figs and vanilla is. Working in batches, fry the makroud for a few minutes on each side, until golden brown, turning carefully using two spoons. In a small bowl, combine honey and orange flower water. Dip each makroud into the mixture.